Crazy Dani Disqualified in the fun and sun in Acapulco
This is where the first of my guest bloggers has a platform to promote their experiences at the tennis and hopefully they take advantage of this. If they know how to load pictures then I’d be very happy as well.
This will be a brief overview of what has happened so far at the tournament. The highlight so far was in the qualies. The guy I like to call the “Psychotic Clown” or he is also known as “Crazy Dani” Daniel Koellerer was disqualified from the last round of the qualifications in his match against the animated Spaniard Nico Almagro and they met last week in qualies and this had potential to get fiery.
At 3-5 15-30, from what reports say it was a disputed call in favour of Almagro, who then made a gesture towards Koellerer. Dani who has been known to pull every dirty trick possible got pissed off and then calls Almagro “a son of a bitch” in Spanish, so Almagro could hear him and then the umpire decided to default the nutcase and it was match to Almagro.
Dani isn’t the most popular guy around and there is a petition to kick him out of the tour. I think that’s a bit far, but the guy is entertaining in a car crash way and I am shattered that he didn’t play down here. What they do with him after this incident will be interesting.
Onto 1st round matches so far completed. Gaudio won in straight sets over the 2000 Hamburg champion and fan of the movie Titanic Albert Portas and that fact alone makes me suspicious about him. He played last week when he shouldn’t have and only hope he can get through without too many problems with his shoulder.
Buenos Aires and Acapulco king Moya had a 3 setter against Gallardo Valles and won 7-5 in the 3rd Moya must have been having a lot of fun at the beach or at the parties and not focused on the job, but he showed his extra pedigree and got through the match.
Other matches well the big Brazilian Tomas Behrend won a match and good for him, got to love the huge eyebrows and he is multilingual as well. I think he only plays for Germany as it was better for him financially, but he will be the big Brazilian to me. Just the hope the 3rd greatest German player of all time Karsten Braasch is doing some work with him like he was in Australia.
Starace lost to Sabau, maybe the heat was a factor or he was distracted. Daniel won a match and maybe he can have another meeting with Massu who plays Berlocq and the winner plays Daniel in the next round.
Hope to hear from our special correspondent soon.
I'm looking forward to Michelle's reports. It's always great to be able to read about other's experiences. Makes you feel like you're sharing part of the event.
As for what happened to crazy Dani, well, I suppose his reputation always enters first on a tennis court. Ok, he deserved something for insulting Almagro. But Almagro had provoked with a gesture. Yet, Almagro won the match. So it seems to be a matter of who will be the meanest in the most acceptable way....
Btw, am I the only one who finds a resemblance with Malisse?
Choupi, the only resemblance between Dani and X-man is the hair.
Even I like Almagro, I believe defaulting the match was enough penalty for Koellerer. He should just pay the fine and life goes on. But probably because of his sparkling records, he was handed with suspensions. (Is this confirmed yet?)
And for Marcos Daniel, he's special in the way that he's the only Brasilian that I'm not fond of. But after all these encounters with Massu, I have a little sympathy for him :lol:
Choupi, I have to add the goatie to the resemblance comment too.
And for Sabau, he's been playing really good in this SA clay court swing.
Massu won his match and faces Daniel again. It would be nice if Marquito can finally win this time. Nico should be tired after all these weeks playing.
As for Behrend, yes he plays for Germany because he gets better conditions of money help, sponsorship and general structure to play. By the end of last year, Meligeni was really interested in him getting repatriated to play Davis Cup, as was Behrend, but now that Saretta is eventually getting better and Behrend getting worse, things have grown cold, lol.
Good results for me personally in that Horna, Calleri, Chucho and Beto won their matches though I just hope Horna can make the quarters.
Massu and Daniel again, well I just hope Gaudio can win his match and then he can take Massu out in the quarters, but we'll find out soon enough.
no need for Gaudio to take Massu out. happy for Daniel finally win a match at ATP level this year. :lol:
And wow wow wow for Almagro. Sorry for Chucho has to retire although the injury doesn't sound really threatening (Big right toe).
Big Lucho beat Calleri in straight sets and makes a semi final for the first time in a long time and I am happy for him and the only problem is that now he plays Gaudio.
Gaudio did the right thing and beat God boy Daniel even though it was in 3 sets. At this stage it's not that important as it's all about getting the victory.
As for the other semi as long as Chela can win it, that will be good. Nico "I am a Superstar, but I don't have the results" Almagro is good to watch, but that's it.
It seems Michelle got stage fright and doesn't like us anymore.
Well we have an interesting final in Chubby Chela and Lucho Horna. Chela was just too steady for the superstar.
Lucho fought back well and Gaudio hasn't played that well this week but had been winning, this time he was playing against a better player and he couldn't come through.
Hope Lucho can do the job and win his 1st title.
I am sure Michelle likes us! Guess she is just busy - getting home, going back to work etc. And I agree - Good Luck to Lucho tonght!
Just what you've all been waiting for, a late report from the Acapulco Princess.
Sorry for not writing this earlier, but prying eyes have all been standing behind me in the lobby and reading my I decided to wait until I was safely home to compile the thoughts.
Since this technically WAS a tennis tournament, I suppose I should write a bit about the tennis. OK it all pretty much sucked big time. I saw really terrible tennis, although the Mexican Wild Card Kid Gallardo demonstrated that a whole lotta heart will get you pretty damn far. Moya needs to retire, his serve is such shite because of his back injury, his motion is gonna cause further problems, as his shoulder will probably give next.
Saw the Starace-Sabau match. Only reason Poto bageled Sabau in the first was because he basically double faulted through the entire first set and couldn't find his shot. Once he woke up though, Poto was toast. AHEM, Nils, did I not tell you BEFORE that match even started???? Did I not give you such a lovely tip there? Eff that I should have put some money on that match!
Chucho's first round was an easy win for him, could tell that he was not moving particularly well, but thats also Chucho, who sometimes seems to lack interest in the game, and then momentarily come up with some incredible tennis and demonstrate absolute brilliant touch. Gonzalez defeated himself, it was all about the unforced errors.
Gaudio. OMG he was entertaining. He wasn't as mental in his first round match, just a few rants to Franco. However, he was in rare form in the second round against the King of the Double Faults (move on over, Flip, someone else is taking your title!)Sabau. (Also dont like this Sabau character cause he moonballs. No, Im not talking lobs, Im talking Serra-Zanetti style moonballs. He was kind of a human backboard at times, performing amazing gets, much to the irritation of Gaston. Since this was a night match I took the liberty of taking video instead of photography, as the photos were not turning out the way I liked. But I do have some pictures for you all :-) which I will post at MTF. The video moments are some of Gaston's tamer moments, as I was trying to save some of the memory for the Moya match as well.
At one point, after attempting a crosscourt backhand and overhitting it for the fifth time....he loses it mentally and starts in with Franco, whining and ranting about not being able to get that shot. The crowd (Mexicans shush babies in the crowd, you know) actually tried to shush Gaston, which made him even more emotional and loud. It finally got too much for me to handle and I burst out laughing. Well, I was sitting behind Franco, so it did not go unnoticed, because the fact that he made me laugh then caused HIM to laugh on court! (Franco later confirmed it for me, he thought it was amusing that I just burst out laughing at him)
So then we stayed for Moya. What a stinking waste. He should retire. Sat behind Jefe again, should know better than that cause a.) he chain smokes through matches and b.) was eating really stinky doritos
My surf buddy, Nico Almagro, sat behind us and was mildly amused at our match commentary:
Mary: Oooh, look at his butt.
Michelle: He's playing tennis like an old man.
Mary: You just don't like him because he's my Charly.
Michelle: He's friends with Fer Vicente. Birds of a feather, chica. They're all pigs.
Mary: I do NOT put him on a pedestal.
Michelle: No, I guess it would be pretty hard for you to ^*^&*^&* his #$%$% if he's up that high.
See, this is what tennis commentary needs. I already play tennis, I dont need some has-been telling me what shot should have been utilized or some useless trivia about the famous chicken from their hometown....
So thats it. I only went to those matches because the tennis is on the hotel grounds, and quite frankly, the pool and beach were far more fun. I hung out on the beach and watched lots of Argie footy matches, hung out in the lovely waves, lounged by the pool, and shared Itunes with Lucho Horna in the lobby...., so it was all good. Went to the Wilson party with the Argies. (Hmmmm who is it that plays with Wilson??? LOLOL) Met Gaston's g/f who is just a sweet and charming girl, had my best friend give Filippo Volandri the death stare, vaporizing him into choosing another table at which to dine instead of the one next to ours...., oh and I discovered that Maria Sanchez Lorenzo hates me, she gave me the stare of death as well pretty much every time our paths crossed. Discovered that the Argies didn't know the english word for "abeja" and found it just hysterically funny to repeat "bee" over and over and over.
What I discovered most is that I really love the Argentines for their amazing culture of living life to the fullest, of expressing emotions, of experiencing beauty and embracing it, for their genuine adoration and concern for children. I met a group of amazing people on this trip, a group that constantly reminded me that sometimes its really NOT all about the tennis, and quite frankly, who the hell cares if it isn't.
Thanks for the GREAT report, Michelle.
Great to see our special reporter finally decided to make an appearance after having all that fun and thanks for the report Michelle.
Michelle, I just love your report. Thank you very much for it. And of course, I'm looking forward to the promised pics now.
Thanks Michelle - I sometimes worry that any reports I write will be less about tennis and more about life in the Hotel (LOL!) - so glad to see that I am not alone! Glad you had such a safe and enjoyable trip - hope to see you in RG......?
Great tournament and the congrats to tbe big Luuuuuuuuuuuuuucho for winning his 1st title and it was overdue.
Just hope this can give him a platform to be able to push forward and has now made the top 50.
Taken from
Chela was not too downhearted after the defeat by Horna, who he revealed was one of his best friends on the circuit.
The Argentinian said: "I am still very happy, this has been a great week for me, I think Luis played a great match.
"I lost against a great player and a great friend, and I am glad he earned his first career title against me in the final."
Congrats Luis. And nice words from Chela.
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